Summer's almost over and I'm still wondering, when do I get my summer vacation?? I'm still stuck at home cleaning, ordering school books, reading school books...ukk ):
Speaking of school books... who thought of putting Frankenstein on my school reading list? I'm more than half-way through (finally) and can't standd reading it. It's not that it's bad writing--believe me, it's far from that--but I have to highlight alll these random sentences and answer 20 in-depth-think-about-it questions per chapter. All I want to do right now... is burn it. Yes. Burn it. That way I can finally use the old "the dog ate my homework" excuse!
But, I don't want to leave anyone depressed, or think that I'm depressed :P. So on the upside, even though we haven't gone on a family vacation, I've got to do fun camps like drama and volleyball, and get to hangout with my friends a lot more often than during the school year. In that way, my summer has been pretty fun in spite of no actual time away from home. (:
Oh yeah. I still want to burn Frankenstein.