Well I was thinking, and I thought it'd be nice to make a list of the things I'm thankful for! Because I want to be cheesy right now. Deal with it.
1. Mom
I know we get into way too many fights, and too many times I treat you like I couldn't care less that you're my mom. But in reality, I couldn't ask for a better one. You're perfect in every way for me. Everything you do is to make sure me and Luke have a better life, and you do it all without a man by your side. Honestly, I don't think I'd survive in a situation like that. But you did, and still are, and you're the best role model I could hope for
2. Luke
Again, we have so many differences and get into pretty nasty fights sometimes... but I still wouldn't trade you for anyone else. You're the sweetest, caring brother when you want to be, and in your own way, but I know that deep down you care about me. So yes, I'm thankful for you.
3. My friends
I love everyone of my friends. They're always so supportive of whatever crazy idea pops into my head, or whatever I start raving about even if I realize later it was the stupidest thing ever. I'm so thankful for how you all stick by me even when I embarrass you in public. ;)
4. Life
I know I complain a lot, and sometimes I wish I'd never been born. But in the end, I honestly am so thankful for my life that God has given me. He's made me see so many awesome things I couldn't see before. And I understand that all these things he's putting me through are for the best--even if I can't see it at the moment. But in the end I know that it's all part of making me into the person I'm supposed to be. And to be honest, I get a little freaked out thinking about what in the world you've got planned for me... but that's ok. I'm ready to take on what's coming, because I know you won't test me beyond what I can handle.
5. Everyone in my life
I only just came to realize this now, but I'm actually thankful for all those wonderful, funny, hateful, annoying, pain the butt people God's put in my life. Again, it's all part of what he's got planned for me. If all you disgusting and wonderful people never existed, I can never become who I'm supposed to be. Even though I have a hard time putting up with some people, or an amazing time hanging out with others, I'm actually really grateful that you're all in my life.
(I like this picture so much I'm going to put it on my blog. :D hah)