Wednesday, May 19, 2010

what upp ??

Well I got spacers/separators, w/e you wanna call them... I has no idea. At first they only hurt when they put them on, but then a few hours later my mouth died. Now I can't chew anything. No joke. * nod *

The DMTA is this Saturday and I sound horribleee. D: Plus I haven't really practiced the duet I'm doing with Anna... ahem. >.>

English has officially.... ENDED!!!! YEY!!!!! So now I can actually read fun books without getting behind in school. :D :D But I need book suggestions cuz I don't know what to read. Or I do, but our library doesn't have them. -.- Any suggestions you think a crappy library would have? ;)

Ohhh I have finally been allowed to go to a Youth Group!! :O How amazing is that?? But Julia and Jeanna won't come. -.- I'm thinking about kidnapping them tonight but I'm not too sure that would work...they have too much spare time to escape until Youth Group at 6:45. :s I shall think about this some more...

1 comment:

Abigail Knutson said...

AAAH I DUN WAN BRACES! D; but need them *no u dont your teethe will look ugly but not be in paaaiiin* yes. yesi do not want them. i do not need them. yeh mom? WHADAYA MEAN IM GOING TO THE DENTISTE