Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Camp started yesterday! Buut... it's not as fun as the ones I've gone to in the past. :\ The majority of the campers are below 10, and most haven't had that much experience (there's even a cellist who only started 6 weeks ago) so some of the music is really easy--especially the theory. But other than that it's pretty fun! The music for my group is pretty hard for me (at least, the Paganini is. blegh :P) with all the really high shifting, and it helps me get familiar with that type of stuff since I don't usually have it.

I have to get up at 6am tomorrow so I should probs go to bed. :( For now, here's a list of some of the pieces my group is playing:

Cavani Opus 18 #2 mvt 3, Paganini Moto Perpetuo (imagine a skull and cross bones here... x.x)

I don't have the names of the rest of the songs so um...yeah.

Oh yahh I also got a movie of Molly dancing. :D


Samuel said...

haha grrrr ;)

Benjamin Knutson said...

molly should make a break dance vid

Samuel said...

i already did ;)