Monday, October 10, 2011

Because I felt like it

What's the speed limit of the street you live on?
10, soon to be 65. dont ask..

What condiments do you like on hamburgers?
ketchup. period.

Have you ever taken skiing lessons?
Ha no. And trust me, you dont want to watch that when I do.

What did you get your dad for his last birthday?

How many trees are in your front yard?
Uh... you're seriously not special enough for me to go out there and start counting them all. (what's wrong with you?!?)

Do any of your relatives live in another country?
Yes. My mom's aunts and cousins still live in Cuba.

Are you claustrophobic?
A little bit, but it's not too bad.

When grocery shopping, do you usually buy brand names or store brand?
Definitely brand names. Store brands are disguuusting. o.o

Around what time do you usually eat dinner?
Whenever... lol

Do you have any clothing that you get dry cleaned?

Do you like foods with coconut in it?
Unless it's just plain coconut, nope.

Have you ever been to an Ikea store?

What is the last thing you accomplished?
finished a 6 page biography and uploaded it on time, in one friggen day. Oh no I didnttt... :o

Have you ever researched your family history?
Mhmm. Pretty complicated stuff, right there.

Do you think ditzy people are more annoying, or more entertaining?
It depends how long I'm around them.

What colour are the cabinets in your kitchen?

Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day?
No. And I intend to keep it that way. I've had enough of hospitals in my life.

Do you like carrots more if they're raw, or cooked?
Definitely raw. o.o Nobody's gonna make me eat them cooked.

Did you play with Legos as a kid?

What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends?
Ruby Tuesdays... I think.

Do you keep a first aid kit in your car?
Only if it's basketball season. lol

Does your house/apartment have a patio?
umm not really

Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays?
ice maker

What is your computer's desktop background?
some random landscape that came with the computer cuz I'm that original.

Eve been horeback riding on the beach?
No :'(

Which bothers you more...spelling mistakes or bad grammar
Neither really... unless it's "than" rather than "then". Idk why what that reallllllyyyy bugs me. D:

What is your favourite kind of cereal?
Ew. Hate cereal. But if I had to pick I guess Cap'n Crunch cuz I'm fat like that.

Have you ever hit an animal while driving?
No. You should be glad. Because that would've meant I've been driving.

How long have you had your current cellphone?
Maybe half a year.

Do you have a BluRay player?

How many cousins do you have?
Lots. Not gonna count the. Cuz you're still not that special. 

Do you grow your fingernails out, or keep them cut short?
I try to grow them out but that doesnt last very long..

Have you ever bought anything off of eBay?
I don't think so. Not personally anyway.

Is there a food that you love the taste of, but makes you feel sick?
McDONALDS FRAPPES!!!!!!!!!! and Cheese. I have a sad life. Oh, and milk. but I hate the after taste, so I'm not sure if that counts.



Molly said...

omg yes! nothin but ketchup on hamburgers! thank you! ;)

Lily said...

why would you put anything else on that beautiful slab of meat?!? ;)