Thursday, March 8, 2012

Worst. Subject. Invented.

"Mathematics was invented for mathematicians." - Copernicus

Yes. That is EXACTLY who it was written for. Guess what? I'm NOT one. And I'm pretty sure most of us aren't (no offense). So why are we forced to do it?? It's like reading a letter not meant for us. Unbelievably rude.
Whoever made it a requirement for school has gotta get out of their house sometime. See how the world really works. I have honestly never seen a day where I've actually had to use algebra. I mean, I can understand basic math, like 1+1=4 (haha, joke.. sorta), but why make us learn the more complicated stuff that, let's be honest, we hardly ever use and even if we do, it's too long and complicated for most of us to understand TO use. 
Math should be outlawed as an offensive subject created for the sole purpose of teachers to torture their students.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Only Way You'll Get Me

I've been thinking lately about what I'm looking for in a guy. Even though everyone around me has been dating numbers of people, I've never seemed to be that interested in it. I tried to convince myself that I was, and I actually think I may have been at one point, but if it really came down to a guy asking me out, I'm pretty sure I would have said no. Because it sickens me to think about going into a nonchalant relationship like that. I'm not saying the first guy I date HAS to be the one, and we have to be intending to marry in a couple months. THAT sickens me. But I'd like to know that the relationship is going somewhere meaningful.
Probably the basis of a relationship like that is when two people respect the other as a human being. The usual relationships you see in public schools are just based off of selfish interest, such as what they can get out of the person. I want someone who doesn't look at me and all they see is a woman's body--they need to see me. By 'me,' I mean my personality and what's inside of me, and value that more than they value my looks.
More importantly, he has to love God. I always see the sayings like "I want to be your one and only," and "your number one," etc. But that is exactly why I don't want to hear. God has to be your number one, and if I take that spot, then any relationship we had will be ruined. I'm not saying this because I'm trying to preach at anybody, or I think I fit those requirements (because I don't). Believe me, if there's someone who hates "Christians" like that, it's me. But that is one thing I've learned from 2011. God always has to come first. After he comes first, and all you do is to please him and what he wants, then everything comes so easily, and even naturally.
On a more interesting note, here's an awesome list of ways to "win a girls heart" I got from this guy on YouTube. He's pretty much the most hilarious thing out there...
His list:
10. find out what she likes
9. encourage her
8. compliment her
7. get to know her family/friends
6. support your local chivalry
5. don't post cell phone mirror pics all over facebook
4. don't lay it on too thick
3. keep your hands to yourself (THE awesomest point me made. :))
2. make her feel safe
1. be her best friend

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Adventure List!

I've been meaning to do this for a longg timee, so today I'll finally get around to doing it. It's a list of everything I'm dying to do before I.. well, die. lol So far I've only done... one. Phooey.

Oh, and yes I did steal the title from UP. ;)

-learn to surf
-scuba diving
-sky diving!
-go to Disney Land
-learn to sing
-rock climbing
-ballroom dancing
-swim with dolphins
-take pictures of a sunset/sunrise
-go to space
-take pictures of the planets through a telescope
-go on a cruise
-cut down our own Christmas tree
-watch a movie in a drive-in movie theater
-visit the Grand Canyon
-see Niagara Falls
-visit Paris
-go to Hawaii!
-stay at Biltmore Estate
-go to the Vizcaya again
-travel the world
-take a trip around the country

The end!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For

I know this is super late, but I figured it´s better late than never, am I right? ;)

Well I was thinking, and I thought it'd be nice to make a list of the things I'm thankful for! Because I want to be cheesy right now. Deal with it.

1. Mom
I know we get into way too many fights, and too many times I treat you like I couldn't care less that you're my mom. But in reality, I couldn't ask for a better one. You're perfect in every way for me. Everything you do is to make sure me and Luke have a better life, and you do it all without a man by your side. Honestly, I don't think I'd survive in a situation like that. But you did, and still are, and you're the best role model I could hope for

2. Luke
Again, we have so many differences and get into pretty nasty fights sometimes... but I still wouldn't trade you for anyone else. You're the sweetest, caring brother when you want to be, and in your own way, but I know that deep down you care about me. So yes, I'm thankful for you.

3. My friends
I love everyone of my friends. They're always so supportive of whatever crazy idea pops into my head, or whatever I start raving about even if I realize later it was the stupidest thing ever. I'm so thankful for how you all stick by me even when I embarrass you in public. ;)

4. Life
I know I complain a lot, and sometimes I wish I'd never been born. But in the end, I honestly am so thankful for my life that God has given me. He's made me see so many awesome things I couldn't see before. And I understand that all these things he's putting me through are for the best--even if I can't see it at the moment. But in the end I know that it's all part of making me into the person I'm supposed to be. And to be honest, I get a little freaked out thinking about what in the world you've got planned for me... but that's ok. I'm ready to take on what's coming, because I know you won't test me beyond what I can handle.

5. Everyone in my life
I only just came to realize this now, but I'm actually thankful for all those wonderful, funny, hateful, annoying, pain the butt people God's put in my life.  Again, it's all part of what he's got planned for me. If all you disgusting and wonderful people never existed, I can never become who I'm supposed to be. Even though I have a hard time putting up with some people, or an amazing time hanging out with others, I'm actually really grateful that you're all in my life.

(I like this picture so much I'm going to put it on my blog. :D hah)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Because I felt like it

What's the speed limit of the street you live on?
10, soon to be 65. dont ask..

What condiments do you like on hamburgers?
ketchup. period.

Have you ever taken skiing lessons?
Ha no. And trust me, you dont want to watch that when I do.

What did you get your dad for his last birthday?

How many trees are in your front yard?
Uh... you're seriously not special enough for me to go out there and start counting them all. (what's wrong with you?!?)

Do any of your relatives live in another country?
Yes. My mom's aunts and cousins still live in Cuba.

Are you claustrophobic?
A little bit, but it's not too bad.

When grocery shopping, do you usually buy brand names or store brand?
Definitely brand names. Store brands are disguuusting. o.o

Around what time do you usually eat dinner?
Whenever... lol

Do you have any clothing that you get dry cleaned?

Do you like foods with coconut in it?
Unless it's just plain coconut, nope.

Have you ever been to an Ikea store?

What is the last thing you accomplished?
finished a 6 page biography and uploaded it on time, in one friggen day. Oh no I didnttt... :o

Have you ever researched your family history?
Mhmm. Pretty complicated stuff, right there.

Do you think ditzy people are more annoying, or more entertaining?
It depends how long I'm around them.

What colour are the cabinets in your kitchen?

Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day?
No. And I intend to keep it that way. I've had enough of hospitals in my life.

Do you like carrots more if they're raw, or cooked?
Definitely raw. o.o Nobody's gonna make me eat them cooked.

Did you play with Legos as a kid?

What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends?
Ruby Tuesdays... I think.

Do you keep a first aid kit in your car?
Only if it's basketball season. lol

Does your house/apartment have a patio?
umm not really

Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays?
ice maker

What is your computer's desktop background?
some random landscape that came with the computer cuz I'm that original.

Eve been horeback riding on the beach?
No :'(

Which bothers you more...spelling mistakes or bad grammar
Neither really... unless it's "than" rather than "then". Idk why what that reallllllyyyy bugs me. D:

What is your favourite kind of cereal?
Ew. Hate cereal. But if I had to pick I guess Cap'n Crunch cuz I'm fat like that.

Have you ever hit an animal while driving?
No. You should be glad. Because that would've meant I've been driving.

How long have you had your current cellphone?
Maybe half a year.

Do you have a BluRay player?

How many cousins do you have?
Lots. Not gonna count the. Cuz you're still not that special. 

Do you grow your fingernails out, or keep them cut short?
I try to grow them out but that doesnt last very long..

Have you ever bought anything off of eBay?
I don't think so. Not personally anyway.

Is there a food that you love the taste of, but makes you feel sick?
McDONALDS FRAPPES!!!!!!!!!! and Cheese. I have a sad life. Oh, and milk. but I hate the after taste, so I'm not sure if that counts.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's the point?

Ever stop and wonder what the purpose of your life is? Not just life, but YOUR life.

I have.

I don't see one.

Every single person I've ever met seems to fit in this world. They know what they want, know how to get it, and know how to relate to the people around them. I just don't get it. I never have. I've tried as hard as I can, but I can't make any sense of how people think.

I wonder if I was meant to die young.

I can't see my future.

I've never met anyone I could ever see in my future.

It's a blank.

Complete. Blank.

And I ask myself, why am I here? I've never helped anyone, or made an impact in anyone's life.

What's the point of my life?

Am I just some play thing made for entertainment purposes?

If so, what's so entertaining?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who Will You Let Run Your Life?

Have you ever noticed how popular, pretty girls can make your life miserable? It's as if they have the power under their fingers to turn the whole world against you if they have any small reason to dislike you. Most of the time you don't even know what you did wrong... if you did anything wrong at all.

Who gives them the right to even be able to do that? In my opinion, it's the ones that so badly want to be liked by them.

They're the gullible ones who believe anything a popular girl has to say about someone, even if they have every reason to believe it isn't true.

They're the ones who say they hate how stuck up those girls are, but if it seems that they're starting to get accepted into the "In" crowd, they jump at it.

And they're the ones who allow themselves to be run by some girls who think they have it all.

Why do they let themselves be manipulated, then?

Either because they're too stupid to notice, or because they're so obsessed with being liked, even for a day, that they'll do it anyway.

You might now be thinking, "Ha ha, wow, they're so stupid." when in reality, we don't realize how easily that could happen to you. It may not happen in such a simple way as that, but there's other ways you kiss up to people.

Next time you realize you want to be liked by someone, and you're doing silly stuff because you're so desperate for they're acceptance, stop and think. Do you really want to be like those people who suck up to someone just because they're pretty, or have a lot of friends? Is that how shallow you want to be?

If that person doesn't like you, then it's their loss. I can honestly say, without knowing who is reading this, that you've got so much more worth than whoever that person might be. You're better than them because you're able to find you're own way without the satisfaction of knowing people are willing to kill themselves for you to like them. Because you know who you are.

Again, who says the popular person has got the worth they're treated as having? Who set them above all other people as the perfect role model in life?

Think before you start letting someone run your life.

Figure out if they're worth it before you do.